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+1410-212-9579 USA +447882810045 UK
Captain Simon Edwards

Fortitudine Vincimus

Endurance Yacht Delivery is a world delivery yacht service. We deliver both sail and power yachts throughout the USA and all of Europe.
We deliver along the East and West Coast of the USA. To and from the Caribbean, Bahamas, Bermuda, Panama, the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific, Canada, the British Isles and Europe. We have sailed Trans Atlantic and to and from the Azores by way of the US, UK and Spain.
All our crew have sailed many miles and are committed to helping us provide a professional standard of service. We carry a SPOT Satellite position tracker so you can follow your vessel en route.
Deliveries are scheduled throughout the year. However, the Caribbean destinations are usually departing the East Coast and Chesapeake around November 1st due to the yacht insurance restrictions. Returns from the Caribbean are usually required to be north of Charleston, SC by June 1st. As a result, these trips need to be scheduled as soon as possible.
Endurance Yacht Delivery is owned and operated by Simon Edwards.
Fortitudine Vincimus
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